The band has received footage from their performance at last year’s ProgStock festival and is currently working on releasing videos from the show. Look for this later in the year along with an announcement about the next album.
The band has received footage from their performance at last year’s ProgStock festival and is currently working on releasing videos from the show. Look for this later in the year along with an announcement about the next album.
Visit the media section of the website as the photos section has been updated to include many new pictures by Gregory Rawrysz from ProgStock 2023.
The band’s catalog is now available for purchase at The Band Wagon USA. Visit the store at
“The level of musicianship is off the charts, yet at the heart of it all are well constructed compositions.”
Check out this detailed review of ProgStock by The Progressive Aspect.
Thank you to Tom, Ann, the entire staff at ProgStock 2023, and everyone that came out and supported us at the show. We really appreciate everyone and look forward to see you again sometime soon!
There will be a livestream of our performance at ProgStock. Visit for more information
Mike has been hard at work coming up with guitar parts for the new album. Sharing files back and forth with the band has been helpful in the creation process. Dates have now been set with Transient for us to reenter and track guitar. Stay tuned.
We started with the drum solo song on our final day of tracking drums. Steve provided some great feedback for this one too. While our songs always included sections that featured Tom’s playing, this song was truly composed to highlight drums. It sounds like the band while having a different vibe as compared to the material of The Ironic Divide. Last up was the last and most complicated song on the album. Through the process of simplifying certain drum parts and intensifying others, the song will work as the perfect conclusion to this album. Overall, the music is taking a much different sound to our last album. It feels like the next logical progression while maintaining certain elements of the band’s sound. Rough mixes were given to us to begin work on what to do guitar-wise. Guitar sessions are now scheduled for summer.
We tackled three songs today. With a much earlier start, Tom rolled through the next few in order as they appear in the album. Today felt very relaxed knowing that we still had one more day of recording. A few drum parts were altered slightly based on suggestions by Steve. Having his ears and input has been very valuable as we assemble these songs in the studio. That leaves two more tracks for tomorrow including a drum solo song and the misted complicated of the bunch.
Tom arrived at the studio and began setting up his drums in the big room. The band will be recording the upcoming album at Transient Sound in Chicago (this is where most of the last album was recorded). Soon after, Steven Gillis started placing mics while Tom tuned his drums. They did some checks and then we were off. Tom started with what will be the first song on the album and got through it pretty fluidly. The plan is to spend the next two days recording five more tracks for the album.
Day Four:
A fifth song was completed today along with overdubs for a previously recorded song. That leaves one more song to go and it’s the epic of the album. Tomorrow, I take a break and resume on Saturday with a longer session. The plan is to finish everything then. This has been very enjoyable to record. As of late, my recording output has been a lot just me. It felt like such a relief to simply have to play one role with just an overdub or two.
Day Three:
I mentioned to Amery as I walked in today that I felt like I was just there which was almost the truth. Today, I brought a second guitar today to experiment with sounds and found that I may end up using my Raptor more often than I originally planned. I took a different approach by recording both the basic tracks and overdubs for song four. The song sounds complete for my part which allows me to get this track to the guys sooner. The part that I wrote for the chorus section of this song seemed to simplistic for an Aziola Cry song so I reworked it today and feel much happier with the results. I also added a cool new section to this song late last night as I was practicing. These changes have made a big difference to to the overall sound of the song. This one will also mark a first for the band, but I’ll share what I mean later when the guys record their parts.
Day Two:
I finished up song two and song three today. I consciously tried to write shorter songs this go around, but a few of them still ended up being in the ten minute range. Two of those songs are now complete. I am now half way done with the basic tracks. I also spoke with Mike today about the next steps for guitar. I will be back tomorrow for track four and maybe five.
Day One:
The recording process for a new Aziola Cry album has begun. I will be recording my parts at Gravel Road Recording before moving to Transient Sound to record drums, guitar, and finish up the album. Today, I completed the basic tracks for song one and got 3/4 of the way through song two. The plan right now is to record my “bass” Warr guitar lines first so that I can get the guys this audio to start working with. Next, I will add some overdubs as needed. The recording will be spread over the next month or so with me putting a lot of my recording time in over the holiday break
The band takes the stage at 12:45pm at ProgDay in Chapel Hill, NC. Visit for more information.
Check out Tommy’s recent postings on his Facebook page showcasing the drumming of Aziola Cry. Watch them here:
Purchase tickets for ProgDay 2022 here:
We are excited to announce that Aziola Cry will be performing at ProgDay 2022! Visit for more information.
The artwork of Aziola Cry by Micka Klauck is featured in the upcoming Heavy Music book, “Monochromes.” It also includes an interview with Jason. Preorder, using the code, “ALL15METAL” for 15% off.
The band will be playing The Brauer House in Lombard in September (9/16/22). More details and ticket information coming soon.
Two thirds of Aziola Cry will be performing live on June 14th at The Piazza in Aurora, Illinois. Jason will be performing a solo Warr guitar show as the warm up for The Cyberiam, which features Tommy Murray on drums. Get your tickets now:
Aziola Cry will be playing with The Aristocrats at Reggies in Chicago on August 20th. Ticket and more information can be found at and
Check out the premiere of Jason’s new music video for the song “Lost Reveries” from his new album, “Imaginary Cages,” out February 25th on Wayfarer Records.
Thank you to Sonic Perspectives for choosing us as instrumental progressive metal album of the year! We are truly honored.
“‘The Ironic Divide' by Aziola Cry is for lovers of instrumental post-metal and the Warr guitar or Chapman Stick.” Read the full review: