Jason’s latest album venturing into the world of ambient drones was just released on Wayfarer Records. The album is his his most calming and meditative to date. Each of the nine songs were composed to represent numbers and how they are interpreted in our subconscious. The album may be purchased at https:/www.jasonblakemusic.com or streamed everywhere.
Day Four:
A fifth song was completed today along with overdubs for a previously recorded song. That leaves one more song to go and it’s the epic of the album. Tomorrow, I take a break and resume on Saturday with a longer session. The plan is to finish everything then. This has been very enjoyable to record. As of late, my recording output has been a lot just me. It felt like such a relief to simply have to play one role with just an overdub or two.
Day Three:
I mentioned to Amery as I walked in today that I felt like I was just there which was almost the truth. Today, I brought a second guitar today to experiment with sounds and found that I may end up using my Raptor more often than I originally planned. I took a different approach by recording both the basic tracks and overdubs for song four. The song sounds complete for my part which allows me to get this track to the guys sooner. The part that I wrote for the chorus section of this song seemed to simplistic for an Aziola Cry song so I reworked it today and feel much happier with the results. I also added a cool new section to this song late last night as I was practicing. These changes have made a big difference to to the overall sound of the song. This one will also mark a first for the band, but I’ll share what I mean later when the guys record their parts.
Day Two:
I finished up song two and song three today. I consciously tried to write shorter songs this go around, but a few of them still ended up being in the ten minute range. Two of those songs are now complete. I am now half way done with the basic tracks. I also spoke with Mike today about the next steps for guitar. I will be back tomorrow for track four and maybe five.
Day One:
The recording process for a new Aziola Cry album has begun. I will be recording my parts at Gravel Road Recording before moving to Transient Sound to record drums, guitar, and finish up the album. Today, I completed the basic tracks for song one and got 3/4 of the way through song two. The plan right now is to record my “bass” Warr guitar lines first so that I can get the guys this audio to start working with. Next, I will add some overdubs as needed. The recording will be spread over the next month or so with me putting a lot of my recording time in over the holiday break
Happy Holidays everyone! Thanks for supporting us this year.
In recent times, Jason has focused much of his energy on writing new material for the next Aziola Cry album. Plans are to begin recording in the new year. More details as they become available.
Jason’s album, The Compromise Rationale, part two of the Ternary Instinct trilogy (Fictional Mirrors was part one) was released today. It continues the sound of the previous album while incorporating more metal elements into it’s sound. The album may be purchased at https://jasonblake.bandcamp.com or streamed everywhere.
We had a blast at ProgDay and would like to thank everyone involved and everyone that watched us play. Here’s to the next one.
The band takes the stage at 12:45pm at ProgDay in Chapel Hill, NC. Visit http://www.progday.net for more information.
One week from today, the band will be performing at ProgDay (12:45). More information may be found at http://www.progday.net
Thank you to The Aristocrats, Reggies, and everyone that came out to see the band play. We really appreciate the enthusiastic support shown to the band.
Tomorrow night’s show with the Aristocrats is sold out. The band is looking forward to playing and hanging out with everyone there.
We are excited to announce that Aziola Cry will be performing at ProgDay 2022! Visit http://www.progday.net for more information.
The artwork of Aziola Cry by Micka Klauck is featured in the upcoming Heavy Music book, “Monochromes.” It also includes an interview with Jason. Preorder, using the code, “ALL15METAL” for 15% off.
The band will be playing The Brauer House in Lombard in September (9/16/22). More details and ticket information coming soon.
Jason will be performing this Saturday at Dessert Oasis in the Detroit area from 6-9pm.
115 s main st royal oak, Mi
Check out the video for “Ghost of a Small Child II (One Final Encounter),” Jason’s remix of the Dave Luxton original. Both songs will be released on Wayfarer Records as a single on Friday, April 29th.